Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wednesday is better than Monday for a change

Huh... Usually Wednesday is the hump day, but not this week. Maybe its because it was the last day of classes today. Hurray.

We are having a descom party tonight. A very adult like dinner party. Hope there's some youthful drinking to be had. Otherwise I will feel very out-of-place with all the couples and me. People say I am overly sensitive to being the only 'single' in the group. All the people who make this judgement are part of a pair, of course.

I'm not overly concernced with being alone. Most of the time I am glad of it. But when I have to go these couple things, and everybody is there with someone, so nobody but me has those akward moments with noone to talk with, that's when I wish I could find a decent guy. Of course, intellectually I realize that noone notices my awkward momemnts because they are all too busy being occupied by their partners, but still, the discomfort is akin to smashing your head against a brick wall.

OK, maybe an exageration. Regardless, the next time you invite your single friend to a couples dinner party, you might want to remember my analogy. I have no advise on saving your friend from the pain, except for possibly acknowledging it without shining a glaring spotlight on them.

I've had that happen too. Out at a couples party (aren't they all now - I guess so at my age), and my friend, the ever-popular hostess announces, "Don't forget to pay attention to Dawn, she's here by herself". Wonderful!

I didn't mean to get into this tonight, but while we are on the subject, I will digress into one more lasting bad memory.

A few years back, I was at a family Christmas function, just the kind of thing to get single-bashed. There I was, sitting in my parents living room, sippling innocently on a glass of red wine.

Then, someone, I don't even know who, announced something about me still being single. And another added to it. Before all was said and done, all 7 of my cousins, 3 out of 4 uncles and aunts, and even my mother and father had made some comment about noone willing to marry me. It amounted to a long list of Dawn-bashing editorials.

What really drove home the patheticness of the situation was the comment which finally ended it all. "I'll mary you Dawn", said supportively by my happily married 60 year old aunt. Thank God I was sitting beside my grounded brother-in-law who placed his hand on my lap, leaned in and whispered, "just keep drinking Dawn". I think I need to go see Dr Phil.

Here's to family, and being single at 39.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. You know, being single can be a woderful thing. And, when people start on me about "being alone" my comment is always "I would rather be alone than miserable or with someone I do not love".
Then they shut up because half the people at the party either feel their spouse is a convenience that would be too much trouble to part with. Cheers to freedom and not settling!